Tuesday, March 4, 2008

SCSB Baseball Preview

Calling all baseball fans/blogger wannabees: I am looking for some help with a baseball preview for the blog. I don't have the time, energy or even desire to break down every MLB team, but if we put our collective minds together, I think we can put together a nice baseball preview here at the Scenic City Sportsblog.

Pick your favorite team/teams and break them down by looking at:

Starting rotation
Bullpen (especially closer)
Batting line-up
Defensive depth chart - I just want starters
2008 additions/subtractions from 2007
Strengths and weaknesses
Projection for season

I'm hoping to start running the previews next week. I am taking Atlanta and Houston. Maximum Jack - care to preview the Red Sox? Latimer - D-Backs and Yanks? Anonymous - Mets, Rockies, A's, Cubs and your other 12 favorite teams?

I'll be emailing some of you soon to recruit your previewing abilities, but feel free to claim a team or two in the comment section. Once your preview is ready, email it to me at ccarpenter@gps.edu

Thanks - can't wait to compile this.


G!Lenn said...

I'll do the Mariners and the Angels.

Chris Carpenter said...

You've got them.

cappadocia said...

For the record, I never claimed to be a Cubs fan...I would be happy to take the Mets.